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Sustainability Risk Integration Policy (SDFR)


1.1 This Sustainability Risk Integration Policy (the "Policy") sets out the principles that the Company
applies in integrating sustainability risks into the investment process.

1.2 This Policy is made available to prospective investors in the Company (the "Alternative Fund") on the website

1.3 "Sustainability factors" means environmental, social, and employment issues, compliance with
human rights and anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters.

1.4 "SFDR Regulation" means Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 November 2019, on sustainability disclosure in the financial services sector, as amended by
as amended.

1.5 "Sustainability Risk" means an environmental or social event or situation
or governance situation that, if it were to occur, could have an actual or potential
significant adverse impact on the value of the investment.

1.6 "Sustainable investment", means an investment as defined in Article 2(17) of the SFDR Regulation, i.e. an investment
in an economic activity that contributes to environmental objectives, such as investments measured for example
key resource efficiency indicators on energy use, renewable energy, raw materials,
water and land, waste production, greenhouse gas emissions, or indicators of its impact on biological
diversity and the circular economy, or investments in economic activity that contributes to social
objectives, in particular investment that contributes to tackling inequalities, or investment that promotes social cohesion,
social integration and labor relations, or investments in human capital or economically or socially
disadvantaged communities provided that such investments do not significantly undermine any of those objectives
and the investee companies comply with good governance practices, in particular with regard to sound
governance structures, employee relations, remuneration of relevant employees, and tax compliance

2.1 The Company's attitude to the extent to which sustainability risks are taken into account in investment
decisions depend on the nature of the investment in question and the investment strategy.

2.2 The Company does not consider the adverse sustainability implications of its investment decisions because our investment strategy is based on frequent algorithmic trading. We hold positions within a few hours, on most days. The negative impact on sustainability is therefore utterly irrelevant given the nature of the investment strategy. 



Update 23.2.2023

Approved by Renata Tmejová - Member of the Management Board

Comfort Zone Investments a.s.

Company ID: 090 40 927

The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File 25191

Sokolovská 428/130 

Prague 186 00, Czechia

+420 725 404 694

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The Manager is not subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank

The Offer is intended exclusively for qualified investors

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The Company is not subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank. The Company's services are not directed to the public. The Company is registered with the Czech National Bank in the list of persons performing asset management comparable to asset management pursuant to Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds in the Czech Republic (Czech translation: § 15 zákona č. 240/2013 Sb., o investičních společnostech a investičních fondech („ZISIF“).

There are risks associated with investing. The value of investments can go up or down. Past returns are no guarantee of future returns. There is no guarantee of a return on the amount initially invested. Investments in different types of securities may be subject to restrictions and regulations in different jurisdictions. Any person investing in securities must comply with legal requirements that directly relate to the investor and the securities. The information provided on this website does not take into account the circumstances, assets or other circumstances, investment strategy, or restrictions relating to any particular person.

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