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The Manager is not subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank

The offer is intended exclusively for qualified investors

Key Information Document (KID)


This document provides you with key information about this investment product. It is not promotional material. The provision of this information is required by law to help you understand the nature, risks, costs, potential returns, and losses associated with this product and to compare it with other products


Product name: COMFORT ZONE INVESTMENTS ("Product")

Product creator: Comfort Zone Investments a.s. ("Manager"), with registered office at Sokolovska 428/130, 186 00 Prague 8, The Czech Republic, ID No. 09040927, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 25191 (hereinafter referred to as the "Manager")

Manager's website:

Tel: +420 725 404 694


Competent supervisory authority: The Manager is not subject to any supervisory authority. The Manager is registered in the list of persons carrying out asset management comparable to asset management pursuant to Section 15(1) of the ICIIF, maintained by the Czech National Bank (Na Příkopě 28, 115 03 Prague 1,

What kind of product is it?



The management of assets collected from investors for the purpose of joint investment on the basis of a defined investment strategy for the benefit of those investors.



The Comfort Zone Investments a.s. fund aims at long-term appreciation of investors' capital through publicly traded shares and other assets.


The philosophy of COMFORT ZONE INVESTMENTS is based on three basic pillars:

- Investing mainly in markets with high asset liquidity;

- Portfolio diversification;

- The long-term experience of the managers in asset management.


The primary focus will be on exchange-traded equities. The manager will use both long and short trading depending on market opportunities.

Other assets include exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded bonds.

Currency hedging instruments, which mainly include FX forwards, futures or CFD may also be used.

The currency of the product is CZK, USD, EUR according to the client's choice. The recommended investment horizon is 5 years.

Intended investor

The product is intended primarily for (a) persons who are declared by law to be qualified investors; (b) persons who are likely to invest more than the equivalent of

EUR 125 000 and who can be expected to understand the risks. Other persons may also invest in the Product, but regulatory restrictions on the distribution of the Product must always be respected.

The investment is not intended for investors with an investment horizon of fewer than 5 years and for investors without sufficient capital to ensure that any failure of the investment will not significantly jeopardize the investor's standard of living and the impact on the achievement of their financial objectives will not be significant.


Duration of the product

The activity of the Manager is not limited in time. The Investment Management Agreement between the Investor and the Manager is for an indefinite period of time and may be unilaterally terminated, commencing on the first day of the month following receipt of the notice. The investment horizon is set at a minimum of 5 years.

What risks am I taking and what return could I achieve?

Summary risk indicator

The risk indicator assumes that you retain the product for 5 years. The Aggregate Risk Indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products.

​The value of an investment can go down as well as up. There is no guarantee of a return on the amount originally invested. Classification in the relevant group is subject to change. Even a classification in the least risky group does not mean a risk-free investment.

It shows how likely a product is to lose money due to market movements or other factors.


1     2     3     4     5     6   

     Lower Risk      <            >      Higher Risk 


​We've ranked this product 7 out of 7, which is the highest risk class. This values the potential loss of future performance at a very high level and makes it very likely that the Product's performance will be affected by adverse market conditions. The value of the Product can go down and up significantly over time - the risk associated with the investment varies significantly with different holding periods. You may recover significantly less if you do not adhere to the investment horizon. The value of the investment may go down and up over time and the return on investment is not guaranteed. In extreme cases, the maximum loss may be the entire amount invested. The product does not hold any capital protection against potential market risk.

The aggregate risk profile does not include the following additional risks associated with an investment in the Product:

Operational risk, arising from potential shortcomings or failures of internal processes, human factors or failures due to external events. Settlement risk, representing the theoretical possibility that a transaction may not settle as expected, e.g. due to counterparty default.

Performance scenarios

This table shows the money you could recover over the next 3 years under different scenarios, assuming you invest a lump sum of 125,000 EUR


These scenarios illustrate how your investment could perform. You can compare them with other product scenarios.

The scenarios presented are an estimate of future performance based on past evidence of how the value of this investment varies and are not an accurate indicator.

What you get will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the Product. The stress scenario shows what you could get back in an emergency market circumstances and does not take into account a situation where we are unable to pay you.

The figures include all the costs of the Product itself. The figures do not take into account your personal tax situation, which may also affect how much you get back.

Investment - How much could you get back.png

What happens if the Manager is unable to make a payout?

There is no guarantee of the return on the investment, any part of it or the yield on the investment. No guarantees are provided by third parties for the protection of investors.


What costs are associated with the investment?

The Impact on Return (RYI )shows the impact the costs issued will have on the investment return you could receive. Total costs take into account one-off, ongoing and incidental costs. The amounts shown here are the cumulative cost of the product itself over three different holding periods. They include potential early termination fees. The figures assume that you invest 125,000 EUR in one lump sum. These figures are estimates and may change in the future. The person selling or advising you on this product may charge you different costs. If so, they will provide you with information about these costs and explain the impact that any costs will have on your investment over time

Costs over time

Investment - Total Cost.png

Cost composition

The table below shows:
- the impact of different types of costs on the investment return you could earn at the end of the recommended holding period,
- the importance of different categories of costs.

This table shows the impact on return per year

Cost Composition.png

How long should I hold the investment? Can I withdraw money earlier?

Recommended minimum holding period: 5 years.  The length of the recommended holding period is related to the risk profile of the product, where riskier assets are subject to higher market fluctuations in the short term and thus the value of the investment may be negatively affected. Adherence to the horizon significantly increases the likelihood that the appreciation of the investment will be positive. Your investment in the Product is made for an indefinite period of time with the option of unilateral termination. The Product may only be terminated by: a) written agreement; b) written notice by either Party as follows: If notice is received by the other Party before the 20th day of the calendar month: with a notice period of 20 (twenty) calendar days from the first day of the following month; d)if notice is received by the other Party after the 20th day of the calendar month: with a notice period of 50 (fifty) calendar days from the first day of the following month;

How can I make a complaint?

You have the possibility to file a complaint or claim in the following ways:

(a) via the website:

b) by email to:

The Manager aims to deal satisfactorily with any complaint or grievance. Complaints or claims should be made without undue delay from the time the investor has identified the grounds for the complaint or claim, particularly in order to allow for timely investigation and assessment of the circumstances. The investor is obliged to provide his/her identification data in the complaint or claim; for flexible handling, we also recommend providing telephone and e-mail contact details. Furthermore, it is necessary to describe the case to which the complaint or claim relates and to provide all relevant documentation. The Administrator's goal is to resolve each complaint or claim satisfactorily. Complaints or claims should be made without undue delay from the time the investor has identified the grounds for the complaint or claim, particularly in order to allow for timely investigation and assessment of the circumstances. The investor is obliged to provide his/her identification data in the complaint or claim; for flexible handling, we also recommend providing telephone and e-mail contact details. Furthermore, it is necessary to describe the case to which the complaint or claim relates and to provide all relevant documentation.


Other relevant information

Documents to which the investor (client) is entitled by law: contractual materials, key information notices Documents/information available beyond the law that are available to the investor - can be obtained on request: Any other information that is relevant to your contract. Additional information can be obtained via the website, by telephone or in writing using the contact details already provided.

Updated 1st January 2024

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